Tuesday, August 21


Hello Everyone,

Mike and I made it to London safely. The flight was a breeze as we watched a movie, ate a nice dinner and slept the rest of the time. Over the last few days we have done a lot of walking and have covered a substantial amount of the city. We visited Westminster Abby and Big Ben the first day we were here during the day and then went on the London Eye at dusk That was a really lovely view of the city. We took the underground to the Olympic park the other day but there was volunteer training for the Paralympics so we wernt able to get very close to the stadium. We were still able to see many of the facilities from a viewing area in one of the department stores. There is still a very festive atmosphere in the city which is fun get to experience. Seeing the Tower Bridge with the Olympic rings was definitely a highlight for both Mike and I. We are leaving London this afternoon and taking the Chunnel to Paris were we will be staying in a nice hotel. After only three days in a hostel we are already kind of looking forward to that. Overall the hostel was good. decently clean, free breakfast and not to noisy. Travelling is such a great way to learn about other cultures, how else would we know that Londers prefer their ales at close to room temperature!


  1. First class by air, hostels by night, and somewhere in between a private abode awaits you in Spain. Too cool, yes, but not too good for you guys.

  2. What an awesome picture, give me a call sometime, would like to talk for a minute, love you continue the awesomeness

  3. Hey brother! We havent gotten sim cards yet but we´re planing on doing that while we are here in Madrid. Hope all is well with you. Love and miss you. xo



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